Friday, July 25, 2008

Meeting of the weasel…

On Friday 10-12-07, Randy Summy showed up at 3:50 PM, first time we met the guy face to face, and the first time ever an agent of Re-Bath arrived on time from day one. He spent an hour viewing the shower and surrounding areas.

He immediately refused to take responsibility for the problems. Even though we conceded his salesman apparently misled us and we were willing to compromise, he was not willing to be fair.
He actually expected us to OK a cover up of the damaged floor before the wall was removed. As soon as the incorrectly installed wall gets removed more damage would happen to the floor. And you know damn well he’d blame us for that too.

He continued to blame us for ostensibly trusting the salesman. Sadly he even chastised us for believing and trusting what he himself said before we signed up with Re-Bath. Hard to believe, to our faces he actually blamed us for not getting what we wanted from him in writing even though he gave us his word and said his word is very good!? HUH? And he was holding the document he requested we write in his hand! And then he tentatively approved it. This guy can’t even keep on one side of any train of thought! Not a trustworthy person. Very disingenuous. No that’s not strong enough, or fully correct, he lied and used Bait & Switch tactics on this project!
He said they would give us the shampoo tray and grab bar we ordered and that Oscar said he’d install them. Give us what we ordered and paid for yet didn’t have installed? How nice.
We pointed out the inconvenience they had caused us in addition not executing the one-day installation. Remember, it has now been a full week since it was supposed to be done. He said he’d think of compensation. Why do we think he will not be fair in this issue of compensation…?
We asked him to put himself in our place, how would he like to be in this situation, especially when he had the power to resolve this almost a week ago? He countered back again blaming us for what the salesman did. Great customer service!

He said he’d call us Monday the 15th, at least we got him to give us his email address, (assuming it is correct).

Well, Saturday 10-20-07 rolls around and we have received no responses from Randy Summy or Heidi Seyler to our emails. (That’s five days past when he said he would contact us. Yep, seems he lies like a rug.) So we called Randy at 11:23 AM at the number he provided. Although he said he could be reached Saturdays, we got a message saying the office was closed. We left a message asking him to respond via phone or email, and repeated our phone number to make sure he couldn’t say he didn’t have it. Oh yeah, this is Randy Summy, (the guy who apparently lies to us regarding just about everything), we are dealing with...
We also called Heidi Seyler at 11:30 AM and left message asking for a response since it quite apparent Randy is trying to rip us off and is not addressing the issues we had discussed.

Two more days pass and it is now Monday 10-22-07. Spoke to Heidi and she told us Randy had asked her not to help us! Not to mediate! Of course, he is being dishonest in his representation of the situation to her, and he does not want to work with us, let alone be fair. We are surprised Re-Bath corporate is allowing this shyster to rip us off and not protect either the consumer, or what we thought was their good business reputation.
She said she would call back Tuesday the 23rd. What do you think? Very doubtful she will from these people's track record so far. Stay tuned…

We did a search for "Weasel Definitions". This is the first one of about 15 definitions.

Definitions of weasel on the Web:
A person who is regarded as treacherous or sneaky.

Just a point of clarification...

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