Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More Lies From Randy Summy Of Re-Bath CA…

On 10-10-07 at 6:30 AM, sent Heidi an email asking her to call since she failed to do so when she said she would the day before.
Actually did receive a polite response with a promise to have someone contact us today.

At 9:38AM Randy Summy finally called and said he would be coming out Friday (10-12-07) afternoon to look over the issues. Now we have to wait until the end of the week before anyone at Re-Bath will do anything. That’s eight days (so far) for a ONE DAY JOB! Promptness is NOT one of Re-Bath’s strong points.

On 10-11-07 we received a dishonest letter from Randy Summy. Turns out (we find out later) that is the way he is about almost, (nearly?) everything, dishonest.

We were more than a bit concerned in what he stated. One point that was very distressing is about the additional written warranty. We spoke with him prior to contracting with Re-Bath about the warrantee concerns. We trusted what he said over the phone, as not having this was a deal breaker for us, and when we repeatedly asked for this mutually agreed upon written warrantee, we kept getting told "later". We trusted Re-Bath employees, apparently it was the wrong thing to do, certainly they are the wrong people to trust.

We brought up the fact we had not received the warranty when the installer showed up Friday the 5th to Randy during the phone call, and that we still needed it. It was part of the deal. When we finally received a copy of it from Randy, via the installer, it was very vague and not what Randy Summy and John Park and we discussed and agreed upon. When this was pointed out to the installer (Oscar), he called Randy and was told to have me write up what we wanted, which we did and had prepared for Oscar, but he did not take it Saturday night (10-6) when he left.

We called Randy about the warranty left at our home and at that point Randy claimed there was no mention of “this warrantee”, which was pivotal in our contracting with Re-Bath.
But we have possession of the one he provided, vague as it is.
That contradicts his statement now doesn’t it!
He also falsely claimed that we "turned down his personal warranty" on Saturday the 6th. We are truly puzzled by his logic; we think any rational person might be confused too if they read his wording and timeline. He is being disingenuous at the very least, but in reality, he is an absolute liar with that statement.

It is also worth noting the letter was dated 10-9-07, and mailed 10-10-07, yet Randy did not return calls from the 6th on requesting him to contact us.

We did not respond to that letter, instead we waited to see the little shyster in person on Friday to discuss it…

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