Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oh Joy! We Get To Deal With A Subordinate Who Has No Real Authority And Only Wants to Cheat Us Out Of The Reimbursement They Owe Us

We’re sorry, is that too bitter sounding? (Yes, that is sarcasm again.) Well suffice to say that if it happened to you those would probably be the same emotions you’d have!

Soooo…, (yes, it is very exhausting to deal with these cheats), we sent an email (below) and we were in standard characteristically Re-Bath fashion ignored, so we re-sent it (on the same day) June 16th, 2008 with a little preface just to help Heidi along.
Courtesy is not a trait Re-Bath employee’s embrace.
Nothing like dealing with someone who has decided to go out of their way to cheat and screw you for being unlucky enough to have only done business with them in good faith...

“We have not received a response from you in the four hours since we originally sent this. Please contact us, at the very least, verify receipt. You say you want to resolve this quickly, yet you do not take any action in that direction.
Heidi, Norm said you are now handling the reimbursement of the damages. We would like to know when we can expect the money owed us by Re-Bath for the damage caused by the water leak Re-Bath of CA created. It is not fair to continue to cause us inconveniences.
Re-Bath said it would remedy the situation, but has not. To refresh you on the situation, $5050.00 covers the water damage. It is owed to us. Re-Bath, by law, must pay for the damages they caused. It is not negotiable. The lifetime warranty in writing is required, (from an email you sent us:

“Upon your agreement to the completion of the above work, San Diego Re-Bath will order the required materials and contact you to schedule the installation. Once the above installation is complete, you will receive the Re-Bath Limited Lifetime Warranty on the materials used. San Diego Re-Bath will offer their standard workmanship/labor warranty of one year.” ). A copy of the invoices from Pat's Pronto Plumbing for the work they did in our home is also required.If Re-Bath wishes to pay the partial out of pocket expenses we incurred because of Re-Bath CA for the total of $8130.00, we will release Re-Bath from the warranty responsibility. We still require a copy of the invoices from Pat's Pronto Plumbing.Re-Bath has already been sent release agreements for both options. We wish Re-Bath would uphold the commitment made by Norm Murdock in an earlier email:
"We would like to resolve these issues quickly to avoid any further delay & make sure you are fully satisfied."
That quote was sent to us almost one full month ago, yet still these issues have not been resolved. And we are certainly not satisfied because of that. We have provided everything we were asked to. Please find a way to resolve this now. You have my contact number; you obviously have my email address. Please contact me ASAP.”

"We would like to resolve these issues quickly to avoid any further delay & make sure you are fully satisfied." What a lie that line is! Yes, we’ve said it before, but they are the ones who lied by stating it.

For those keeping track of our time Re-Bath has wasted, this horror story has been running now for over 36 weeks. That would be 255 days. Closing in on 9 months.

For Heavens sake, it would have been easier to make a baby (certainly quicker) than it is to have Re-Bath do a One Day Installation. Good Grief! What a bunch of liars and cheats! Our recommendation: Do Not Deal With Re-Bath!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We Could Have Made A Baby Faster Than Re-Bath Can finish Their “One Day Installation”!

Since Norm Murdock was now out of the office, (nothing like expediting something of this caliber), we now had to deal with Heidi Seyler again, who had dismissed us and refused to help us last week.
Said she was not allowed to help us earlier. But now she is? Huh? Yep, more dishonest tactics… What ever it takes for them to screw the customer.

One wonders if this is the same Heidi Seyler who races in the NDRA. If it is, and her Re-Bath ethics spill over into the racing scene, one could be likely to assume she cheats in order to get the “wins” attributed to her.
Just an observation, nothing more.
And our sincere apologies to the Heidi Seyler in the NDRA if she is not the same person as the one at Re-Bath and only unlucky enough to share the same name as the person who has worked so hard to cheat us and apparently (according to the other blogs and forums that are now all over the Internet) other folks unfortunate enough to have fallen for the dishonst advertising and work ethics that run rampant from the franchises up to the top of the corporate office.

Have we mentioned how BAD the Re-Bath customer service is lately? It is the most abysmal and atrocious customer disservice we’ve encountered, definitely spiteful.

So, to clarify who was to be the contact person for this never ending ordeal, we sent this email:

“Norm, Does Heidi now have the authority to resolve this situation? She told me she did not the last time I spoke with her. I would like to get this resolved quickly.”

His response was:

Yes, she can consult with other managers on duty to resolve.
Regards,Norm Murdock, CFEVice President - Franchise Operations
Re-Bath LLC
421 W Alameda DrTempe, AZ 85282
ph 480-844-2596 ext 126
fax 480-833-7199
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device”

Gee! That sure didn’t make it sound like she has much authority did it? Sounds like more run around and time wasting is in store for us at the hands of the Re-Bath corporation…

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Grinch Would Be Proud

This is the email that was sent by us on 6-13-08 accompanying the two counter offers:
“Subject: Release Agreement

Mr. Murdock,
The damage from the water leak caused by Re-Bath is not something that allows Re-Bath to eliminate the warranty we were given (see Heidi Seyler’s email below)in order to be compensated. The warranty and the leak damage are two separate issues. The release you submitted is not a fair agreement. You are asking us to give up our rights in order for Re-Bath to pay for damages they directly caused and are already fully liable for. Option one is payment in full, as per the punch list you requested. It fully releases Re-Bath and it's affiliates from all responsibility. Option two covers the damage done to our home by the water leak created by Re-Bath. It also requires Re-Bath to honor the warranty last issued by Heidi Seyler on 2/22/2008. It does not release Re-Bath of California from responsibility. (Email referenced is provided below.) Copies of the work orders/invoices from Pat’s Pronto Plumbing are still required for either option.”

Norm’s response was this. Kind of like a counter offer, a weak one…:

“Re-Bath is willing to amend the agreement to leave our Lifetime Manufacturer’s Warranty intact for your Re-Bath system. Please let me know if this is agreeable to you & I will amend the agreement accordingly.
Norm Murdock,
CFE Vice President - Franchise Operations
Re-Bath LLC
421 W Alameda Dr Tempe, AZ 85282
ph 480-844-2596 ext 126
fax 480-833-7199”

And again we stated our case in hopes that they would find some compassion within their black hearts….

“Mr. Murdock,
May I suggest option one as outlined and attached in today's first email. You are again asking us to relinquish rights and not allowing fair consideration to do so. We are out of pocket that money. To make it conditional that we absolve Re-Bath of CA for any responsibility in order to be compensated for the damage they caused and are liable for is not a fair consideration or even compromise. You have the ability to close this issue. “

Nope, black as tar… He acts as if we never had the conversation where he must have deviated from the “Re-Bath rip off the customer guide book”. But then, that is predictable to us now after dealing with him for this much time.
All he offers is to uphold the warranty that they are required by law to. Since when is following the law a compromise? What an unethical manipulative cheat.
And what do they have to offer to make us think they will even honor it? This company has proven to us they have no honor. But if we are to proceed we need some answers, even though in the past, answers from them have turned out to be lies…

But we asked anyway…:

“Norm, Who will provide service should the need arise? We will require a written copy of the warranty as well as contact phone number and address of party or parties responsible for honoring the warranty before we can sign the agreement. Just to be clear, this agreement does not release Re-Bath of California from responsibility or liability. And we need the copies of the work orders/invoices from Pat’s Pronto Plumbing. Regards,”

Norm’s response was:
“Re-Bath LLC would arrange for service should you have a manufacturer's defect. We have no way of requiring the plumbing company to provide invoices as they are not a Re-Bath organization. The agreement must release Re-Bath of CA or we will not be able to proceed. Regards,
Norm Murdock,
CFEVice President - Franchise Operations
Re-Bath LLC421 W Alameda DrTempe, AZ 85282
ph 480-844-2596 ext 126
fax 480-833-719”

We may have forgotten to mention that Norm was ready to hang Randy Summy and Re-Bath of California out to be responsible for the entire mess as that is the originator of this mess.
But one only has to refer back to the Re-Bath perspective of compromise, (i.e. renege and lie), now he wants to protect him, we’re sure only in an attempt to punish us for simply standing up for our rights.
After all, to Re-Bath, the consumer is the ENEMY.

Wonder how Norm would feel reading the posts we assume Randy made threatening to "F" him up real good.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Coincidence? Highly Unlikely… And Frankly, The Comments Are Showing Quite a Bit of Ignorance.

Apparently this blog about the problems experienced while dealing with Re-Bath has struck a nerve…
We do see the humor and folly in this, but it is equally unsettling and disturbing.

All we wanted to do was point out how badly we were treated by Re-Bath and help inform other potential consumers so they could protect themselves from going through a hellish ordeal like we endured by being foolish enough to contract with Re-Bath.

But now the comments coming in response to our blog would suggest our most vocal readers have some “issues”. Anger? Oh yes, it sure seems like it. Mental instability? Again, it really seems like it.
Or could it simply be a case of the offender throwing another tantrum?

We’ve assumed, (and with good reason), some of the people we’ve dealt with through Re-Bath were, shall we say unbalanced, certainly predisposed to not have a firm grasp on the truth. But if these recent comment posts are indeed from Re-Bath affiliates, and therefore a possible indication of their state of mind, it is very alarming.
Remember, this is a company who initiated the problems and lied to us from the beginning, and got caught doing it; all we did was tried to defend ourselves from their dishonest practices and try to obtain fair compensation for the damage they ultimately caused.

This may only be a coincidence, but how utterly ironic can it be that only days after Randy Summy/Re-Bath of CA was notified by the California State Contractors License Board about the impending fine for illegal actions, this blog received a barrage of snide and juvenile “retorts”?
The timing is absolutely astounding!
Add to that, the majority of these comments arrived on the exact anniversary of the first bungled and botched attempt by Re-Bath of CA to install the low quality bathroom products they sold us.

We can assume it is Randy that is doing this. We can only guess the little jerk thinks it is safer to rage at us hiding behind a keyboard instead of prank phone calling this time around. There is a precedent that leads us to believe this is the situation. (See an earlier entry in this blog for an explanation if you wish. Blog post Friday September 6th 2008.)

And whether it is him, or possibly some other jerk(s), why only post by anonymous snipes? What is there to be afraid of? Too childish to stand up for the words you try to type? Feel like a big person firing off drivel while hiding like a little girl behind the shield of a computer? Think you really have any power when lying with the protection of assumed anonymity?

And no, we will not be publishing those unimaginative, curse filled comments that are basically what amount to no more than another childish temper tantrum, or on a more positive spin, a very pitiful effort at Lord knows what type of humor.


By the way, to the moron(s) who posted these comments, please, at least learn how to use spell check, we realize it is probably asking too much to request that you to actually learn how to spell, or even fathom what the words you are trying write truly mean.
Honestly, it made the writer (and we use that term loosely) sound like an absolute idiot, or maybe it is just that is what they are. Or maybe it’s time they put down the bottle before trying to communicate.
Thank us later for not allowing those posts to see the light of day. With as much refuse as is already floating around the internet, there was no need to pollute it anymore with garbage, and that is all it was, pollution.


While we welcome coherent comments and outside points of view in this blog, even ones that differ from our own, we also were intelligent enough to know there would be idiots such as the one(s) attempting to comment in these recent days. Of course we review all comments before allowing them to be posted. If someone wishes to post, we hope they can muster the mental ability to write something that is understandable and coherent, and not peppered with profanity. If that minimal goal is achieved, we will probably post it as we have in the past.


And a special sarcastic "thanks" to whomever posted (We can only assume it to be Randy Summy of Re-Bath CA, but yes, it is only an assumption) the offers to physically punish Re-Bath and its employees (Norm Murdock to be specific) in such a colorful way. We could also assume it is a misdirected show of allegiance to support our side of the described abominable situations created by Re-Bath, but we do not encourage nor participate in that type of behavior.
And it is actually rather disgusting what you advocate doing. You either need to take a step back and look at what you are doing in your life, or get some psychological help (and maybe sober up too) before you hurt yourself or anyone else.
(However, if in the case of the Darwinian theories holding true, you should only be on this earth but for a short time longer due to your own trials and tribulations, therefore absolving the rest of humanity from concerning themselves with you.)
But continuing to post such violent drivel will not do anything but show us the sad reality of your mental illness (or maybe simply your need to lash out from your perceived secure hole in the ground to fulfill something in your tiny unrewarding life) and require us to delete it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Counter Offer. A Normal Way to Reach an Agreement. Unless You Are Re-Bath Where Fair Is Not In Their Vocabulary. No Ethics.

In normal civilization, a situation like this would mean that a counter offer was in order since the first offer/release by Re-Bath was what you could call, a real low-ball offer.

So to be fair to us, (and yes, even to fair to the unfair Re-Bath folks), we submitted these two options as a counter offer and compromise.

Option One absolved them of their warranty and obligations just as they demanded in their original offer, but partially compensated us monetarily for our dealings with Re-Bath. Mind you this is a compromise for us, asking for less than we are out of pocket, and what we had discussed with Norm Murdock earlier, only to have him renege on his offer:


This General Release (“Release”) is made, this ____ day of June, 2008, by NAME DELETED, an individual residing at ADDRESS DELETED (“Releasor”), in favor of ReBath, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and its franchisees, Re-Bath of CA and Re-Bath of San Diego.
In consideration for the sum of $8130.00 paid by ReBath, LLC to Releasor, consisting of $4,800 for water damage repair, as per NAME DELETED Construction proposal #1875, and $250 for paint repair, reimbursement of $2900.00 down payment and $180.00 court costs as per Releasor’s 6/4/08 punch list, Releasor hereby releases and discharges ReBath, LLC, Re-Bath of CA and Re-Bath of San Diego, and their respective members, officers, directors, members, agents, employees, affiliates, attorneys, successors and assigns (collectively, “Releasees”) of and from any and all obligations and defaults, actions, causes of action, suits, proceedings, disputes, rights, claims and demands, at law or in equity (whether real or contingent, known or unknown) that Releasor ever had, now has or may hereafter against any of the Releasees, arising out of or in connection with the bath remodeling work performed in Releasor’s home at ADDRESS DELETED by a Re-Bath franchisee, and any explicit or implied warranty with respect to such work.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Releasor has executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

Option Two was an even bigger compromise by us to only get reimbursed for the most recent damage; we just wanted to get on with our lives! We’d still have a crappy bathroom to contend with, but at least we could get our kitchen repaired.
But since they would not be fully compensating us, (only about 50% of what we were out of pocket), it seemed only fair that they agree to honor their warranty:


This General Release (“Release”) is made, this ____ day of June, 2008, by NAME DELETED, an individual residing at ADDRESS DELETED (“Releasor”), in favor of ReBath, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and its franchise, Re-Bath of San Diego.
In consideration for the sum of $5,050.00 paid by ReBath, LLC to Releasor, consisting of $4,800 for water damage repair, as per NAME DELETED Construction proposal #1875, and $250 for paint repair, as per Releasor’s 6/4/08 punch list, Releasor hereby releases and discharges ReBath, LLC, Re-Bath of San Diego, and their respective members, officers, directors, (collectively, “Releasees”) of and from any and all obligations and defaults, actions, causes of action, suits, proceedings, disputes, rights, claims and demands, at law or in equity (whether real or contingent, known or unknown) that Releasor ever had, now has or may hereafter against any of the Releasees, arising out of or in connection with the bath remodeling work performed in Releasor’s home at ADDRESS DELETED by a Re-Bath franchisee. The Re-Bath Limited Lifetime Warranty on the materials used stays in effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Releasor has executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

But being fair is not what Re-Bath is about. Avoiding responsibility is what we see Re-Bath is about…

Friday, October 3, 2008

Re-Baths Idea Of “Fair” Compensation… Not Fair to the Customer For Sure

Here is a copy of the very one sided release Re-Bath wanted us to sign to release them from all responsibility before they would pay for the damage they caused. Not all of the damage even, as mentioned earlier this was a compromise.

Imagine, demanding this forfeiture of rights to pay for damages they are 100% liable for.
Names and addresses are deleted for safety, but the rest is just how it was presented by Re-Bath.


This General Release (“Release”) is made, this ____ day of June, 2008, NAME DELETED, an individual residing at ADDRESS DELETED (“Releasor”), in favor of ReBath, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and its franchisees, Re-Bath of CA and Re-Bath of San Diego.
In consideration for the sum of $5,050.00 paid by ReBath, LLC to Releasor, consisting of $4,800 for water damage repair, as per NAME DELETED Construction proposal #1875, and $250 for paint repair, as per Releasor’s 6/4/08 punch list, Releasor hereby releases and forever discharges ReBath, LLC, Re-Bath of CA and Re-Bath of San Diego, and their respective members, officers, directors, members, agents, employees, affiliates, attorneys, successors and assigns (collectively, “Releasees”) of and from any and all obligations and defaults, actions, causes of action, suits, proceedings, disputes, rights, claims and demands, at law or in equity (whether real or contingent, known or unknown) that Releasor ever had, now has or may hereafter against any of the Releasees, arising out of or in connection with the bath remodeling work performed in Releasor’s home at ADDRESS DELETED by a Re-Bath franchisee, and any explicit or implied warranty with respect to such work.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Releasor has executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.


Talk about slanted and self serving!

Notice the wording “In favor of Re-Bath”. In favor of? They are paying out, in effect Losing. Yet they choose that phrasing? Got a bit of an excessive ego going on there maybe? A bit full of yourselves? Yeah, everyone knows what you are full of…

They word it in a way to try to void their own warranty and absolve them selves of any and all liability and responsibility.

Again, what good is a Re-Bath warranty? If you need to use it, they will try to void it just like this.

Of course they did not get that returned signed; instead pair of fairer options was presented to them, including an easy way off the hook for them.
But do you think they considered that?

Dealing with Re-Bath is like dealing with a spoiled child, a spoiled bratty bully who hides behind an ignorant mommy or daddy who thinks they can do no wrong when they don’t get their way.

Tune in later for more exciting Re-Crap Capers and Deception… Same Crap Time, Same Crap Channel… Don’t touch that dial! (It has re-crap on it!)
You’d think with all they sling, they would be in the toilet business more than the bath and shower end.
Sorry, gotta have a sense of humor…