Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Re-Bath Has NO Sympathy For Their Customers Major Inconveniences (Which Re-Bath Causes). They Seem In Fact to Relish Punishing Them for Being Stupid

Norm’s response was sent the following day. That is SIX FREAKING DAYS WITHOUT OUR SHOWER so far…! This could have been done on Monday, it should have been done on Saturday! But no, that would mean consideration and actually thinking of the best interests of the people they took gobs of money from to install this cheap looking facade.
Again, I digress, please read on:

Sent to us on 5-22-08

"At this point, I would suggest the following:

Re-Bath will authorize you to repair the following with a plumber of your choice:

- Reinstall the escutcheon plate with clear sealant
- Repair the shower head

For convenience, given the scheduling issues, please contract this work directly & forward the invoice to Re-Bath LLC at the address below for prompt payment.

Best regards,

Norm Murdock, CFE
Vice President - Franchise Operations
Re-Bath LLC
421 W Alameda Dr
Tempe, AZ 85282
ph 480-844-2596 ext 126
fax 480-833-7199”

Please explain why after repeatedly asking for our local qualified honest clean plumber to be allowed do these repairs, it has taken an entire pain in the ass week just to authorize him to fix Re-Baths and their agents screw-ups!

And do they really expect to be able to "fix" that cheapo plastic showerhead?

Why could this not have been set up before? The Re-Bath approach to that question? Because that would have been the right thing to do.

Re-Bath does not do the right thing. It is not what they do. They do rip people off, (us), they lied in their advertising, (did to us, and probably thousands of others) they lied in their sales pitches, (did to us), they lied to the customer at every instance when things go bad, (yep us too), which is very often, (if not nearly always in our experience).
They seem to thrive on inconveniencing the customers as they in effect steal from them by installing sub-standard materials and damaging their property, all the while blaming the customer for basically being stupid enough to have hired them in the first place.
Yeah, harsh, but it is what happened to us!

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