Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A comment was made to our blog about Pissed Consumer.

We thought it merited being brought to the main pages.
Although their math is wrong, it has not been up for three years yet, only a little over two years.

This is the comment:
“You have had a blog for about three years and you have gathered about 450 hits. If you look at Pissed Consumer we get 11,100 hits on just one posting for Rebath in six months. Don't you want your story told? No one is reading yours. You deserve to be heard. Consider also posting to Pissed Consumer. “


We checked it out. It is one we did peruse earlier and found many similarities nationwide to the way we were treated by Re-Bath.

This is pertinent since the owner of the Re-Bath we first dealt with claimed we were the only ones “bad-mouthing” Re-Bath.
Pretty much conclusive proof we are not the only ones who have had problems with this company and have been sharing our experiences about those problems. And compare the similarities. Almost shocking, but then we had to live through it and know firsthand the nightmare…

Note that we have been invited to share on this site, and that we have not already shared our story on this independent site. Kind of shows the invalidity of the statement made in court by that Re-Bath owner doesn’t it?

Do your research. Check out all available information before contracting with Re-Bath or ANY contractor.
Verify licenses if possible too. Our state allows you to do this online at no charge.
Be wary of any contractor that does not have his licensing in proper order.
Double check the names to verify the person’s name on the license and the person who is doing the work.

Be wary of fast talk to explain any discrepancies.
And get everything you can in writing, and double check the wording.

Have friends also check to see if there is any ambiguity (double-talk) written into it to provide wiggle room.
Despite what you are told, get it in writing.
Some sales people lie and say one thing, yet write another and will try to convince you to “trust” them. Don’t. Not any contractor.
If they are reputable, they will put it in writing. Clearly. Suggested routes