Friday, February 5, 2010

Amazing How Difficult It Is To Get Hold Of These Cheating Liars Isn’t It? Customer Dis-Service!

11:02 am on October 24, 2009, I am really upset that they charged me, even though it was not the original deal she made with me and then hung it over our heads to fix the leak. (Is that extortion?-Hal)

That woman is a liar and a cheat!

I sent an email with this whole story to Matt at his email and tried to see if she gets it, I do not know her email address I guessed since Matt’s was, I figured I would try.

I want her to see just what we went thru during our Re-Bath experience.
(Sadly we think she is aware, standard operating procedures and all...-Hal)

I also made a copy of this story and I am mailing it to Re-Bath LLC 421 W Alameda Dr, Tempe AZ 85282.
I got that address from the Re-bath site.

I also sent it to at 11:16 and to at 11:31 which I got from the BBB. I also filled out a complaint to the BBB.

October 24, 2009 At 12:01 I received this
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients was aborted after 1 second(s):


Anonymous said...

corporate rebath in arizona is your only option. the president of the company is named david sanders and his email address is good luck

HelpfulHal said...

Thanks for trying to help.

Too bad Mr. Sanders is a bad as all the other people we dealt with from Re-Bath. He refused to do anything positive. He was repeatedly asked for by name but when we called, he was amazingly not available. We got the usual run around excuses.

And he was CC’d on most of our emails to Heidi Seyler and Norm Murdock (another crass act).

If Mr. Sanders wanted to do the right thing, he had every opportunity. He was “in the loop” as they say. We made sure he was appraised of the issues and what we wanted to have addressed.
He did nothing to help us, the customer; his focus was on screwing us, or at the very least hiding.
So you decide, were his actions of malice, or cowardice?

Sorry, but your suggestion is a bum lead to another person that epitomizes what is wrong with the Re-Bath corporation.
Also note his email address as it was provided:

Looks to us like Am-Bath and Re-bath certainly are connected much to the argument made otherwise by some Re-Bath employees.
Do crappy work, change the company name. Expect Re-Bath to be changing names again soon…