Thursday, July 8, 2010

It is truly mind boggling how many complaints there are on the internet regarding Re-Bath.

Even more staggering is how many of those complaints share the same basic complaints of overcharging, rude and abrasive franchise operators, materials installed that don’t match the samples and descriptions of what was sold, the term Bait & Switch is commonly used, lack of response once the first chunk of money was handed over… You see the point.
As well as many complaints of the same handful of people at the corporate office not helping customers who have had these problems.

Our case is interesting in the way the original (not properly licensed) Re-Bath contractor we unfortunately hired has continued to harass us even when we let the blog go dormant. Amazingly he is still threatening us two years and nine months after the job was supposed to have been finished.

We have to ask, what could possibly make this guy so vindictive to his customers (victims?)?. How many others is he doing this to?

We invite everyone who has had a bad Re-Bath experience, especially one with the Re-Bath of Ca located in Signal Hill/Long Beach Ca to comment in our blog. We are very curious to find out if he has chosen us specifically, or if we are just one of many that are being treated this way by him.

In the mean time we found even more complaints so we again are wondering why he has taken this old (we thought it was over and done with) problem to this degree?
After all, he sued us before finishing the job or fulfilling the contract (and lost) but we did not win anything and he kept the payment we made for his unfinished crappy work.
Everyone was a loser, but we lost worse.

So here are some more links to Re-Bath Complaints for all over the country, and they were like the others, on the first page:

This could have all gone dormant and possibly faded away, but from the harassment we are receiving it looks like there is a need for keeping it going… By law we are entitled to share our opinions and experiences…


Anonymous said...

I have been watching this for sometime and now that I see some pictures am shocked that you were telling the truth about what was done. I didn't believe any company could be in bussiness if what you said was tru.
The work is as bad as you said. Please show more you will be doing a service to others.
I am surprised that this fellow Randy did not try to explain him self in the face of so much damning evidence like other rebath operaters do in forums like these. But if he sued you before finishing the job that bad maybe he is retarded.

Anonymous said...

A picture is worth a thousand words!!